Today is World Book Day so I thought I'd mention a couple of my all-time favorites. Seemed like it would be an easy decision. I hang on to my favorites but as I went to pick my favorites, I found the choices were a lot more difficult than anticipated.
One of my favorites is Chasing Shadows by Lynn Austen.
It's a WWII fictional story that takes place in the Netherlands. It is the story of three women, Lena, Ans, and Miriam. They are a farmer's wife, a young woman drawn into the resistance, and a Jewish violinist whose family has immigrated to Holland seeking refuge. Their lives intersect in powerful, unexpected ways when the Nazi invasion happens. It's a powerful story of human endurance and strong faith.
I was drawn to this book not only because of WWII but because of where it was located. My husband's family was from the Netherlands. Lynn Austen is also a local author who I had the pleasure of meeting. (She signed my copy of Chasing Shadows.)
Another book is Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard.
It's the story of President James Garfield who became a reluctant president in 1880. Four months after his inauguration in 1881, Garfield was shot in the back by Charles Guiteau, a deranged office seeker. This is during a time in our country that is still reeling from the Civil War and President Lincoln's assassination. It's a transitional time when Jesse Jame and Billy the kid are terrorizing the west and man like Edison and Bell are moving our country into the industrial era.
Behind the scenes, there is a power struggle and a president that doesn't die from the wound as much as the infection caused by the unsanitary conditions of the medical care he received. There are so many layers to this book and so much rich history. Because of his death, new sterilization practices were incorporated.
I read this book in a book club I belonged to at the time and I'd have to say of all the books we read, this one brought the biggest discussion.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, I could go on but that will have to be for another day.
Don't forget, my book Lost Without You, is on sale for a LIMITED TIME! Get your copy, or a copy for a friend, by March 4th at
Happy Reading!